Sada se 4 skly.

Rám modelu Premium je z chirurgické oceli s ramínky z karbonových vláken, které střelci umožňují upravit jejich tvar tak, aby dokonale obepínal hlavu a zajistil stabilitu na obličeji. Nosní sedýlko umožňuje přizpůsobení shora dolů a dopředu a dozadu od obličeje.

Vzory skel na výběr: 5-7-8-10-11-12-13-14-20-23-24-25

N°5  - Red Vermilion Lens:

Red Vermilion lenses have to be used from low to moderated luminosity. They increase the relief and image definition. They will increase very strongly the yellow and orange colors, while bringing you a better perception of the outline targets (yellow, orange, red).
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 42,45%
► UV Protection 100%

N°7 - Red Sol:

Red Sol lenses have to be used from moderated to strong luminosity. They protect effectively against the period of sunshine while strengthening the perception of the orange, yellow and red colors.These lenses will increase in particular the relief and the image definition while neutralizing the background.
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 24,02%
► UV Protection 100%

N°8 - Rose Super Sol Lens:
Rose Super Sol have to be used from strong to very strong luminosities. They protect effectively against the period of sunshine, while strengthening the perception of the orange, yellow and red colors.These glasses will increase in particular the relief and image definition while neutralizing the background.
► Filter Category : 3
► Light Transmission : 9,19%
► UV Protection 100%

N°10 - Orange Plating Lens:

Orange Plating lenses have to be use during moderate luminosity. These lenses increase the contrast by cloudy and variable weathers and avoid the inconveniences of the frequent bright variations. They strengthen in particular the orange and yellow colors.
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 38,30%
► UV Protection 100%

N°11 - Plating Yellow Lens:
Yellow plating enses have to be use during low luminosity. These lenses increase the visibility of the contrasts by fog or greyness. They strengthen in particular orange and yellow colors.
► Filter Category : 1
► Light Transmission : 78,03%
► UV Protection 100%

N°12 - Orange PB Lens:
Orange PB have to be use from low luminosity to moderated. These lenses bring an important visual comfort. They increase image definition and the contrast, improve the perception of the yellow and orange colors. In particular anti-reflection, these lenses are designed to relax the eye in conditions of moderate sunlight.
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 42%
► UV Protection 100%

N°13 - Brown PB Lens:
Brown PB lenses have to be use from strong to very strong luminosity. These lenses were designed to relax the eyes in conditions of strong dazzles due to an intense luminosity.With a perfect reproduction of colors, these lenses improve the perception of the yellow and orange colors.
► Filter Category : 3
► Light Transmission : 10%
► UV Protection 100%

N°14 - Dark blue Lens:
Dark blue glasses have to be used from medium to strong luminosities. They improve the yellow color while limiting the red colors. They are in particular a relaxing effect by strong sunlight.
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 29,57%
► UV Protection 100%

N°20 - Orange Pastel Lens:

Orange Pastel lenses have to be used during very low luminosities or Indoor. They clear up the vision, improve the perception of reliefs while protecting slightly from the dazzle. Ideal for undergrowth and fog, greyness weather. These lenses are particularly adapted to Indoor.
► Filter Category : 1
► Light Transmission : 74,15%
► UV Protection 100%

N°23 - Brown Plating Lens:

Brown Plating lenses have to be used during strong luminosity. These lenses increase the contrast in conditions of strong sunlight. They fight effectively against the dazzle and the fatal effects of the blue light. Furthermore, these lenses improve the perception of colors, particularly the Yellow and Orange.
► Filter Category : 2
► Light Transmission : 26,20%
► UV Protection 100%

N°24 - PBS Lense:
Utilisation: very strong Luminosity.
► Strengthen the contrast with the bright colors (yellow, Orange).
► Protect from the dazzle while respecting the balance and the natural transmission of colors.
► Restful and relaxing effect.
► Protect fatal effects of the blue light.
► UV Protection 100%
► Filter category : 3
► Light transmission : 11%
► Colors : (Green/Orange, Plating purple)

Shoot-off Premium - střelecké brýle - sada 4 skel

Střelecké brýle pro brokovou střelbu.

Sada se 4 skly.

Vzory skel na výběr: 5-7-8-10-11-12-13-14-20-23-24-25

  • Výrobce: Shoot-off
  • Dostupnost: Prodej ukončen
  • 11 990,00 Kč
  • 9 990,00 Kč

  • Cena bez DPH: 8 256,20 Kč

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